Product Overview
Remember the days when you'd put your hat on the hat shelf of your aircraft, fold your trench coat and place it in the back seat, light up a big old cigar and then taxi your aircraft to the edge of runway 5 for take-off? Well, I don't, but I do appreciate the fact that many GA aircraft still have things installed that bear witness to those great days!
Item is an ASHTRAY for a 1948 Ryan Navion . It is as-removed from a 1948 Ryan Navion , serial number NAV-4-13xx . Item is as it appears in the attached images and one corner does appear to be disconnected.
Seller is not an A&P and cannot advise as to the state of the part or applicability to your aircraft. Any part numbers have been obtained via parts manuals for the aircraft from which the part was removed. Unless otherwise stated in this item's description, no documents (to include copies of logbooks, 337's, certifications, yellow tags, etc…) are provided for this item. Buyer assumes all liability. Please ensure your A&P inspects the product to ensure it is airworthy and appropriate for your aircraft prior to use!
Thank you for looking!